| Indeed Job Search Engine

June 21, 2011

in Job Search Websites is a job search engine. Actually, technically speaking, it is a metasearch engine, which means it sends user queries to multiple search engines and aggregates the results, eliminating the redundant results. Want to know how popular the Indeed site is? Take a look of its traffic data below.

To use the Indeed site, you have to provide two pieces of information. The first is your geographical location, in the form of a city, state of zip code. The second is a job title or a company name. You can also choose to look for a position by browsing for all jobs available in a city by clicking on the “Browse Jobs” link at the bottom of the website.

The results can be filtered based on salary range, job title or employer.

The site also provides a variety of search tools, which is accessible via the “Tools” link. For example, you can set up email alerts for any of the searches that you have performed, and any time there are new results for the search that you have performed, they will be emailed to you. You can also save your result as an RSS feed, which is readable from any RSS reader such as Google Reader. Finally, you can also save and annotate your at, and access them from any computer, or from the mobile app on your smartphone.

Indeed is a job search engine that is very popular, but it is not the only site out there. You should broaden your horizons and consider other websites such as, and is a widely used employment website, particularly in US. According to Alexa, its current global rank is 360 and its US rank is even higher: 92. The traffic data indicated that most of its visitors came from the United States of America followed by Canada, Japan and Italy. And it has also shown that middle-aged women preferred to do job searches on this website.

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